Milk This­tle Ex­tract (Silymarin)

Short Description:

Prod­uct name: Milk This­tle Ex­tract(Sily­marin) Botan­i­cal Source: Sily­bum mar­i­anum (L.) Gaertn Part Used: Seeds Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion: A Thin-Layer Chro­matog­ra­phy B HPLC Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion As­say: Sily­marin UV 80%            Sily­marin HPLC 40%-60%            Sily­bin & Isosily­bin 30% | Sily­bin 30% |            Sily­bin 35% Ex­trac­tion Sol­vent: Ace­tone OR Ethanol OR Ethyl Ac­etate Pack­ag­ing: 25KG/​pa­per drum Stor­age: In Tight, Light-re­sis­tant and Dry Place. Avoid Di­rect Sun­shine. Qual­ity Guar­an­tee Pe­riod: 3 years

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Silymarin has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, soothing the liver and promoting bile flow. It is commonly used for liver and gallbladder damp heat, rib pain, and jaundice; In addition, milk thistle also has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and cardiovascular activity protective effects Prod­uct name: Milk This­tle Ex­tract(Sily­marin) Botan­i­cal Source: Sily­bum mar­i­anum (L.) Gaertn Part Used: Seeds Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion: A Thin-Layer Chro­matog­ra­phy B HPLC Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion As­say: Sily­marin UV 80%            Sily­marin HPLC 40%-60%            Sily­bin & Isosily­bin 30% | Sily­bin 30% |            Sily­bin 35% Ex­trac­tion Sol­vent: Ace­tone OR Ethanol OR Ethyl Ac­etate Pack­ag­ing: 25KG/​pa­per drum Stor­age: In Tight, Light-re­sis­tant and Dry Place. Avoid Di­rect Sun­shine. Qual­ity Guar­an­tee Pe­riod: 3 years

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